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#YoungAndBlack: Raising Voices for Change

Organisations have come together to launch the #YoungAndBlack campaign.

The campaign is a space to share, listen and learn from the experiences of young Black people. Campaign-leads include UK Youth, activist, Jermain Jackman, My Life My Say and The Diana Award. The launch announcement says:

“Collectively, we have been inundated with heartfelt cries and appeals from young Black people right across Britain who feel they don’t have the opportunity or even the right to share their thoughts and experiences on racism in the UK and beyond.

“They see organisations and individuals grappling with whether they should make formal “statements” to categorically denounce the brutal murder of a Black man that has flooded our screens. They hear the debates suggesting that racial inequality isn’t a problem in Britain, and they are confounded.

“We also hear from young people of all races who want to have the space to understand the experiences of their Black peers, space to discuss race and discuss what needs to change to create a just society, equal for all. While many organisations remain silent, young Black people are left devastated, feeling abandoned and unseen.

“We recognise the power of storytelling to create empathy and change. We recognise that being seen and heard is required to achieve justice. True system change will only come when we are able to discuss the role race plays in all parts of our society.

“Windrush, Grenfell, Macpherson Report, Stop and Search, COVID-19… enough is enough. It’s time to see real change happen. We can already see that young people of all races are calling for organised, mobilised action. We will not leave them alone in this pursuit.

“We want young Black people to be in control of their own narrative, sharing their thoughts on what it means to be #YoungAndBlack in Britain. We are calling for organisations right across the UK to bring forward their range of expertise and collaborate to pro-actively listen to the voices of young people.

“Through an online campaign and a series of events we seek to truly illuminate and create safe spaces for young Black people to share stories, connect and highlight their personal experiences of being YoungAndBlack in Britain. But this isn’t about one race talking to itself. We believe that true social cohesion starts with real understanding. That journey starts with active listening. Let’s boldly work together to foster more understanding as we amplify young Black experiences in Britain.”

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